To mark the release of "Til Alle Heimsens Endar" in Germany, Norwegian Black-Folk Metallers GALAR are streaming a new track from the album on MySpace. Although "Til Alle Heimsens Endar" was released world-wide on the 1st of March on Dark Essence Records, the German release was unavoidably delayed until the 23 April due to technical reasons. The track, “Paa frossen mark”, can be heard at http://www.myspace.com/galarmetal
"Til Alle Heimsens Endar" is the second full-length release from the Bergen based band, who unusually works with a variety of musicians and instruments you would not necessarily find on extreme metal albums. For "Til Alle Heimsens Endar", M. Kristiansen (screams, guitars and bass) and A. B. Lauritzen (clean vocals, bassoon and grand piano) have drafted in the likes of Phobos (GRAVDAL, AETERNUS, MALSAIN) on drums, Ricardo Odriozola on first and second violins, Hans Gunnar Hagen on viola, Siri Hilmen on cello, Morten Nome on double bass, and Cecile Langlie on female vox. It is this eclectic mix that allows the band to create music that straddles both the Traditional Folk and Black Metal genres to great effect
The album itself, whose title means "until the ends of all worlds", is based on Snorri Sturluson's "Heimskringla”. Originally written around 1230 in Old Norse, "Heimskringla” is the best known of all the sagas that recount the history of Norways’s ancient kings. The lyrics for "Til Alle Heimsens Endar" are written by Jorge "Blutaar" Scholz, and are all in Norwegian, with introductory notes and an explanation of each track in English being provided. Artwork for the album is by Norwegian artistRobert Høyem
GALAR on MySpace: www.myspace.com/galarmetal
GALAR on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Galar/161537332115
Dark Essence Records: www.darkessencerecords.no
Dark Essence on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/darkessencerecords
Dark Essence on MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/darkessencerecords
For further information please contact post@karismarecords.no