Undoubtedly one of the pioneers in bringing metal to the masses, Terrorizer Magazine is putting actions where before there were only written words, by launching Terrorizer Grindhouse, a concept aimed at lifting extreme underground music off the pages, and bringing it directly to local venues. Steered by Terrorizer’s Dean Moran and Miranda Yardley, the aim is to have around 12 venues scattered throughout the UK, where local promoters will run Terrorizer Grindhouse nights on a monthly basis (3 nights per week country-wide).
Extending the idea even further, Terrorizer Grindhouse has joined forces with Norwegian drummer Mads Lilletvedt (HELLISH OUTCAST, BYFROST) to expand this groundbreaking venture into the cradle of the extremest of Extreme Metal – Norway. Lillevedt will be responsible for setting up and arranging the Terrorizer Grindhouse concept in Norway, starting with shows on a monthly basis, and arranging tours for bands that deserve more exposure throughout Norway and Scandinavia, as well as giving bands from the Scandinavian metal scene a chance to navigate the murky waters of the UK Underground.
Kicking off the Norwegian venture on the 22nd May were three Bergen based extreme bands, specifically chosen because they illustrate perfectly the cold and dark atmosphere that the legendary Bergen Scene is universally noted for, and which is unmatched elsewhere. But what these three bands also demonstrate is that in order to create a certain atmosphere, it is not a requirement for all bands to sound alike. In fact, these three bands couldn’t be more different, both on and off stage, and yet the end result from all three is the same – devastating.
TAAKE – http://www.myspace.com/taakeofficial
To many within the music scene, fans and professionals alike, TAAKE is the epitome of what a Black Metal band should be: controversial, individualistic, and with a healthy disregard for the opinion of others. Headed by Hoest, who is unquestionably one of the most mesmerising live performers you are ever likely to see, and with a live line up of experienced and skilled musicians, any one of whom most bands would kill to have in their ranks, it is clear to see why fans are constantly clamouring for the chance to see TAAKE play live. Since this is likely to be the only chance to see TAAKE live in Bergen this year, this is not an opportunity to miss.
BYFROST - http://www.myspace.com/byfrostmetal
Formed in 2007, BYFROST is a perfect example of the talent that profliferates within the Bergen scene. With a lineup that features HeavyHarms on vocals and guitars, R.I.P Meister on five-string bass, and Alkolust (HELLISH OUTCAST) on drums, BYFROST merges cold, dark riffs with a touch of the melodic, and more than a substantial amount of pure energy. BYFROST’s debut album “Black Earth”, was released in April of this year on Painkiller Records and features a guest appearance by ENSLAVED/AUDREY HORNE guitarist Arve Isdal and was produced by Herbrand Larsen (ENSLAVED) and Bjørnar E. Nilsen (VULTURE INDUSTRIES, BLACK HOLE GENERATOR). If you don’t feel like banging your head to this band you are more than likely to be either deaf or dead!
SULPHUR - http://www.myspace.com/sulphur666
Intent on following a path that lay between death and black metal, with a liberal sprinkling of progressive mindset, SULPHUR rose from the ashes of the nineties Black Metal outfit TAAKERIKET at the turn of the millennium. Comprising current and former members of bands such as GORGOROTH, AETERNUS, ENSLAVED and VULTURE INDUSTRIES, the SULPHUR of today is fiercer and more challenging then ever before. The musical landscapes that the band is willing to explore are limitless and the resulting album, “Thorns In Existence”, released in March of this year on Dark Essence Records, is not afraid to challenge, thrill and destroy the listener. Transfer this to a live setting, and the results promise to be mind blowing.