Ukrainian Black Metallers BALFOR, whose new album “Barbaric Blood” is due out on Pulverised Records during 2010, issued a statement today announcing that guitarist AGNARR has been forced to quit the band following a recent injury that is serious enough to stop the guitarist performing both live and in the studio. BALFOR founder and front man THORGEIR commented: “We are very sorry that this has happened t o AGNARR. It’s a terrible thing when a musician is no longer able to play, and he is one of those musicians with a natural talent and a lot of experience. We hope that he will be able to overcome the effects of the injury and eventually be able to return to playing. BALFOR is certainly going to miss both his musicianship and his companionship”.
DRAGON-T, former guitarist with the Thrash Metal band HELL:ON, will replace AGNARR. “Once again we have been lucky in our search for a guitarist. DRAGON-T is as skilled as AGNARR, both live and when it comes to recording, and the fact that he was available just when we needed him was a stroke of good fortune for us”. His first live appearance with BALFOR will be at the Metal Heads Mission Festival in Kiev on the 18th April, where BALFOR are due to headline. Upcoming live dates for BALFOR as follows:
18 April: MHM, Sky Hall Club, Kiev, UA
22 May: Hot Jam Club, Lugansk, UA
23 May: Vorovskogo Club, Dimitroy, UA
06 July: Rockmaraton Festival, Pecs, HU
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/balforhorde
Web Site: http://www.balfor.info
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/balforofficial
ReverbNation: http://www.reverbnation.com/balfor
Band Contact: balforhorde@gmail.com
Management: http://www.myspace.com/viewfromthebacksofmirrors
Label: http://www.pulverised.net
Label Contact: calvin@pulverised.net