Monday 8 March 2010


“PHOBIA” the new multi-media project from CARPATHIAN FOREST bass player Vrangsinn (VRANGSINN, SECHT, NATTEFROST, A WASTE OF TALENT), was released today on Misantrof ANTIRecords, and is available both via free download, and as a DVD with free audio CD, for purchase. The DVD is produced in batches of 100 copies, with each individual batch of 100 varying slightly from the others in terms of artwork. The entire project comprises a DVD (which is a multi-angle feature where Angle 1 is the main video and Angle 2 is the booklet), CD, Mp3 audio, and Mp4 (Multi-angle H264/AVC and a portable edition). In the case of the free download, Misantrof also offers fans the option of a free CD/DVD burning application, so that anyone downloading the album can burn their own DVD should they wish to. More information can be found at

“PHOBIA” was debuted at the "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Key To The World" exhibition at the Kurant Art Gallery All in Tromso at the end of last year, and music, instruments, vocals, lyrics, video, animation on “PHOBIA” were written, performed, produced & engineered by Daniel Vrangsinn, with friends and fellow musicians lending a hand here and there. The whole project was thirteen months in the making, with the booklet animation taking up almost two thirds of that time. 40's style animation techniques were used, and Vrangsinn animating all the lyrics, word for word, using ink and paper and a photo camera. The DVD also contains multiple audio tracks including one with the music without vocals, which, according to Vrangsinn, gives you an instant karaoke machine that was included as a joke, since he believes his voice is somewhat unusual and takes some getting used to and that if people “don’t fucking like it, they have the option to turn it off”.

As founder and head of Misantrof ANTIRecords, the self-styled “anti” label that believes in making all its releases available for free download, regardless of whether they are also available for purchase from Misantrof, Vrangsinn has always been interested in the need to revolutionise the record industry as it stands today, and which many people now accept is in its death throes. His intention with “PHOBIA” was to try and find ways to overcome some of the issues that plague digital music downloading, including a way to replace the missing booklets and artwork. He also wanted to move away from the CD format, which does not allow for a higher resolution than 16 bit at a sample rate of 44100, and, given that the typical studio sound is 32 bit at sample rates ranging from 44.100 - 96.000, a CD is not the best way to get quality in sound. The only format he found that allowed to release the music in a higher audio quality was DVD and Blue Ray. Hence the DVD approach to “PHOBIA”.

The greatest source of satisfaction for Vrangsinn though, was the fact that he has been able to create and release something that the average label would not be able to produce for their artists. And moreso for the fact the he was able to do it for virtually no cost at all, using the "use whatever you have and make the best out of it" principle, coupled with the "Excuse me - can you hold this camera while I sing a song?" principle. According to Vrangsinn: “The only real cost to Misantrof was the cost of printing the DVDs, which is unavoidable, since nobody has a printing plant in their living room, but I did have to learn a whole new set of skills involving video and animation. Hopefully other bands and artists will see what can be done given a bit of time and effort, and be encouraged to try it for themselves”.
Additional information about Vrangsinn can be found on MySpace at

Misantrof ANTIRecords:
“PHOBIA” Press Info & Download:

